:: Ray's Periodic Rantings ::

Political blurtings, personal notes, musings and more from a Chicago area Mac guy, neon artist, Burner, remarried widower, and now father.
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:: Sunday, July 28, 2002 ::

Last night on a lark I went into town to see Read my Lips with Julian and Isabel. Afterward I observed how it is interesting that when you don't have a hundred million dollar effects budget, you have to make a film with compelling direction, characters, dialog, acting, and photography to get people to want to go see it.

I rode in on the motorcycle for the occasion. I had forgotten how fun that can be, and how very handy it is to be able to park pretty much anywhere. Because I am not a fool, it precludes the consumption of alcohol, but that is a minor inconvenience.

And finally, I just picked the first of the juliet plum tomatoes from the garden. They are about the size of small figs, with the flavor of grape tomatoes. Mmmmmmm, mmm!
:: Ray 12:38 PM [+] ::
:: Friday, July 26, 2002 ::
Well, shoot. I had something profound to say earlier in the day about love and what I have been through with Mary's death and all. Somehow in the course of the day it slipped from my mind before I could get to a computer to post it. The important part of it, though, was how much I empathize and agree with this wonderful lyric from Moulin Rouge:

The greatest thing
you'll ever do
is just to love
and be loved in return.

Despite the grief and pain at Mary's loss, I am grateful that she came into my life, and I am a better person for having known her.

Sorry if that sounded too weepy or if I am repeating things I have said before. I hope you will indulge me...I think I deserve it. I had a court date to day pertaining to the estate. It wasn't anything terrible, but it wasn't a barrel of laughs, either. Dealing with estates sucks.
:: Ray 2:37 PM [+] ::
:: Wednesday, July 24, 2002 ::
An interesting postscript has come to light regarding Mary and the Airstream connection on our anniversary (see the 7/15 entry). I just realized that an acquaintance of mine that I hadn't heard from for some time emailed me that very day to tell me about the Airstream Miniatures they are now selling at Pottery Barn (Mary's favorite store). I am not the slightest bit surprised...just grinning.
:: Ray 5:50 PM [+] ::
:: Monday, July 22, 2002 ::
I've had boring toes so far this summer, so on Saturday I made them blue.
:: Ray 11:58 PM [+] ::
It was a hot weekend here in Chicago, but not an altogether unproductive one for me. John and Diana came over Friday night and we had a really nice meal of hot Italian sausage, polenta, asparagus and peppers, all from the grill with some nice basil marinara to bring it all together. Saturday I did some weeding in the yard, spent a nice, casual afternoon with Heather, and got some cleaning and mouse-dropping removal done in Betty. Betty is approaching the point of livability, which I define as being clean enough and having all the amenities needed to actually, well, live in her. I haven't actually tried this yet, but faithful readers will be the first to know about it when I do.

More follies: Prez Bush has caved in to the far right and decided not to pay $34 million in funds to the United Nations Population Fund. Anti-abortion hysterics have charged that the fund "directly or indirectly facilitates forced sterilizations and abortions in China", however, US and British government investigations have found no evidence to support these claims.

This fund provides valuable humanitarian services worldwide, and deserves our support. We already have too many people on this planet...we don't need more. Do you agree with me? Tell the president! Tell your senators! See my 7/19 entry to find out how.
:: Ray 1:22 PM [+] ::
:: Friday, July 19, 2002 ::
Today I was going to write about how the Burning Man trip is looming, only five weeks away, and I can't believe how much I have to get done before then. I really need to get on the ball with making neon and cleaning and preparing Betty. I will be doing these things and reporting my progress here, however...

The thing that drew my ire today was a Salon Premium article on Prez Bush's nomination of almost exclusively anti-abortion judges to the lower and circuit courts. The gist of the article is that if confirmed, these nominees have the ability severely hamper the right to choose in their respective circuits by upholding "Targeted Regulations of Abortion Providers," or TRAP laws. This means that while they can't ban abortions, states can impose conditions that make them difficult, even extremely difficult, to provide and obtain, and that these judges would stand in active opposition to plaintiffs challenging those conditions, Roe vs Wade be damned.

Does this make you as mad as it makes me? Good! Use that energy to do something about it! Call your senators (get their phone numbers here) and let them know that you oppose the confirmation of any blatantly anti-abortion judicial nominee. And call the President at 202-456-1111 or write him at president@whitehouse.gov and let him know that anything other than an ideologically balanced judiciary is both unacceptable and unAmerican.

:: Ray 11:49 AM [+] ::
:: Monday, July 15, 2002 ::
Yesterday was the first anniversary of my marriage to Mary, my late wife, and she took the opportunity to wink at me. Mary always used to get up on Sundays to watch CBS Sunday Morning. I haven't been as faithful about it, but yesterday I watched, and grinned as they reran this story on Airstreams. Later in the day I served a lightly attended sweat lodge. The medicine lodge that I am a part of conducts them monthly. Usually several people come, but yesterday there were only two: a couple that own and travel with an Airstream.

Do I believe that there is a life beyond what we experience here on Earth? Yes. Do I believe that we can communicate with the dead or they with us? I think so, but I think it happens in subtle ways, not blatant ones. Do I believe that Mary communicated with me yesterday? Without a doubt.

:: Ray 9:59 AM [+] ::
:: Thursday, July 11, 2002 ::
It is no secret that I am no fan of Prez Bush. I am appalled at the damage he has done in just a year and a half to our country across the board from fiscal health to civil and basic human rights to the environment. I mused during and after the election about how anyone could vote someone who called himself a Washington outsider, yet was the son of the president and the head of the CIA, and who portrayed himself as a successful businessman, yet had managed to drive oil companies out of business only to be bailed out by friends and family in sweetheart deals. I am almost giddy with glee to see him squirm as some of his past catches up with him on the national stage, amidst massive scandals caused by the same behavior he is guilty of. To celebrate, here are some amusing cartoons on the subject from today's Salon: Mark Fiore (whose Flash cartoons I really like, by the way) and Tom the Dancing Bug (by Ruben Bolling, no slouch himself).

As long as I am passing out platitudes, I would like to extol the virtues of Salon. Their coverage of politics, technology and pop culture is enjoyable and thought-provoking, and I wholeheartedly encourage anyone that reads this and likes what they find there to support it by subscribing to their premium service. $30/yr buys a boatload of content that you won't find anywhere else, and helps to ensure that it will still be around next week and next year.
:: Ray 3:12 PM [+] ::
:: Tuesday, July 09, 2002 ::
Last night I scanned a couple of photos that Mary had taken of Betty. I plan to add more. Mary really loved owning Betty, and took some wonderful photos of her. I will be documenting the renovations I am doing, as well. Stay tuned.

Joe Conason on today's Salon has some choice words for our president, the "ultimate insider," and today's This Modern World entails, "a magical visit to the enchanted land of the free market." Enjoy.
:: Ray 11:32 AM [+] ::
:: Monday, July 08, 2002 ::
Sleeeeepy. It must be the heat. I am back from a long holiday weekend in SF with family. It was nice to see them, but it is also nice to be back. I also spent an afternoon with Mike K and his motorcycle, exploring the semi-abandoned Navy base South of town, among other things. There is a small but interesting train museum there. Last night I went with Raul and Carolyn to wish Molly well in her move back to SF. It's not like she is gone forever, and if all goes well she will be joining Mike and I at Burning Man, but I will miss her company and her dinners served two hours late...

I can't wait to hear Prez Bush's speech tomorrow, the one he has been "reviewing and editing" all weekend, when he wasn't fishing or golfing, that is. Supposedly, he is ready to get tough on corporate America in the wake of the recent accounting scandals. He is awfully silent, though, about his own sale several years ago of Harken Energy stock concurrent with some, uh, creative accounting that was going on, while he was on the board of directors. Will George ultimately be held responsible for the same thing he is about to harangue corporate America for? Time will tell.
:: Ray 2:26 PM [+] ::
:: Tuesday, July 02, 2002 ::
Wow, Summer is really here...today I picked the first few raspberries from the yard, and they were tas-tee! The tomatoes are thriving, with small green fruits already appearing, and the cucumbers and zucchini are flourishing, too. The West side of the yard is awash in color, with roses, day-lillies, and several wildflowers whose names I do not know.

I have said it before: I like where I live.
:: Ray 9:32 AM [+] ::

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